Xin Lian

CS PhD student @ Northwestern University.


2233 Tech Dr

Mudd 3402

Evanston, IL 60628, USA

I’m Xin Lian (he/him), a PhD student in Computer Science at Northwestern University 🐈 working with Ken Forbus. Prior to joining Northwestern, I received my Master’s degree in Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech 🐝, my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Jinan University, China, and my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics with Mathematics from the University of Birmingham, UK.

I’m broadly interested in human-like learning systems, concept learning, computational cognitive science, cognitive systems, and AI in general. Besides working with Ken, I’m also working closely with Chris MacLellan and focusing on research on the human-like learning systems.

My CV. My current research focus: in the research tab.


May 23, 2024 Two papers were accepted in ACS-24! Congrats to me and my co-authors, Nicki, Nishant, and Chris!
May 4, 2024 I’ve just earned my master’s degree and graduated from Georgia Tech! My time in Atlanta has been absolutely fantastic, surrounded by incredibly interesting, talented, and super nice people. A special shoutout goes to Chris MacLellan – I couldn’t have accomplished this without his invaluable support and guidance.
Apr 5, 2024 The paper worked with Sashank and Chris is accepted at CogSci-24!
Jan 17, 2024 I will be presenting in the AAAI-24 Spring Symposium on Human-Like Learning at Stanford! I will be giving a talk about how Cobweb can serve as a proficient categorization model within the computational cognitive science context. Additionally, Nicki Barari from Drexel will be sharing our collaborative work about the novel vision learning system Cobweb/4V!
Sep 28, 2023 KBAI guest lecture with Nicki Barari about Cobweb in vision tasks today. :sparkles:

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